Sosok dan Peran Ayah dalam Persepsi Anak Yatim


Yasin Muhammad Syibli


This study aims to reveal the perceptions of orphans in Cirebon towards the figure
and role of the father, both as a typical / symbolic father and as an individual /
personal father. The subjects in this study were 9 students of an elementary school in
Cirebon, consisting of 5 grade 5 children and 4 grade 6 children (aged 10-12 years)
who come from single mother families. Information was collected using the center
bunch dialog / focus group discussion method. Information analysis was carried out
using qualitative content analysis (AIK) methods, using a deductive approach, namely
directed content analysis. In this study, it was found that orphans still have perceptions
about their personal father, even though they do not live with the father. The
perception of the father's figure tends to be negative, while the perception of the
father's role tends to be positive
