Dampak Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) Terhadap Peningkatan Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Miskin di Indonesia


  • Dede Al Mustaqim & Alfiyah Makarrim IAIN SYEKH NURJATI CIREBON


PKH, Ekonomi, Kemiskinan, Rumah Tangga, Pemerintah


The Family Hope Program (PKH) is an Indonesian government program aimed at reducing poverty by providing assistance to poor households registered in the program. This research aims to examine the impact of PKH on the economic improvement of poor households in Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data was obtained from questionnaires and in-depth interviews with PKH aid recipients. The results of the study show that PKH has a significant positive impact on the increase in income and expenditure of poor households. Factors that influence the economic improvement of poor households through PKH include level of education, number of family members, and participation in training activities provided by the program. In conclusion, PKH is effective in improving the economic situation of poor households in Indonesia and needs to be strengthened through increased participation and access to quality training.

