Analisis Etika Konseling Islam Dalam Kitab Diwan Asy-Syafi’i Karya Imam Asy-Syafi’i


Asep Hamdani
Umar Umar


Islamic counseling ethics are examined in this study using Imam Asy-Syafi'i's work "Diwan Asy-Syafi'i" as a guide. Among the greatest philosophers of the Islamic tradition, Imam Asy-Shafi'i offers extensive ethical instruction on interpersonal interactions, particularly in the context of counseling. "Diwan Asy-Shafi'i" is a book of poetry and counsel that expresses his morality, sagacity, and interpersonal interactions. This analysis highlights ethical counseling themes that are applicable to the text, including patience, empathy, honesty, and regard for human dignity. The ethical principles discussed in the book are examined in this study through the use of a qualitative methodology and content analysis techniques. The analysis's findings demonstrate that Imam Asy-Shafi'i's perspective on counseling ethics places a strong emphasis on the value of having a loving attitude, having a thorough awareness of the state of the counselee, and upholding secrecy and trust. These moral precepts are applicable to contemporary counseling practice and can help shape counseling theory and practice that are grounded on Islamic principles.
