Kedisiplinan Santri Pondok Pesantren Madinatunnajah Kota Cirebon


Barnawi Barnawi


This research aims to obtain results regarding discipline carried out by the Madinatunnajah santri organization. This research uses qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection techniques use in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis was carried out using Miles and Huberman analysis through the stages of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results show that the leadership carried out by the Madinatunnajah santri organization has implications for discipline. The leadership management carried out by the Madinatunnajah santri organization is carried out by planning, analyzing the background, determining goals and objectives, while the organizing carried out by the Madinatunnajah OSMAN santri organization is by establishing a structure through leadership deliberation, while the implementation is carried out by carrying out programs according to each division. respectively, providing motivation as well as implementing discipline through rules, advice and example. Meanwhile, supervision is carried out through program supervision through supervision by OSMAN administrators of all students in various activities, by providing rewards and punishments, conducting evaluations and upgrading. Meanwhile, student discipline is seen from two indicators, namely time discipline during activities and action discipline by using time for productive activities.

Keywords : discipline, santri, Islamic boarding school
