FLIP: Foreign Language Instruction Probe https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip <p>FLIP: Foreign Language Instruction Probe&nbsp; (pISSN:<a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20220530051095132"> 2830-5949</a> e-ISSN <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20220528091168213">2830-4837</a>) is a Journal of Language Teaching published by STIT Buntet Pesantren Cirebon. The journal invites submissions that put in theories and methods from to the learning of foreign language. The FLIP aims to provide a forum for scholarly understanding of the field of education and plays an important role in promoting the process that accumulated knowledge, values, and skills are transmitted from one generation to another</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US <h2>CopyrightNotice</h2> <p><strong>Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>In order to assure the highest standards for published articles, a peer review policy is applied. In pursuit of the compliance with academic standards, all parties involved in the publishing process (the authors, the editors, the editorial board, and the reviewers) agree to meet the responsibilities stated below in accordance with the journal publication ethics and malpractice statement.</p> <p>Duties of Authors:</p> <ol> <li>The author(s) warrant that the submitted article is an original work, which has not been previously published, and that they have obtained an agreement from any co-author(s) prior to the manuscript’s submission;</li> <li>The author(s) should not submit articles describing essentially the same research to more than one journal;</li> <li>The author(s) make certain that the manuscript meets the terms of the Manuscript Submission Guideline regarding appropriate academic citation and that no copyright infringement occurs;</li> <li>The author(s) should inform the editors about any conflicts of interest and report any errors they subsequently, discover in their manuscript.</li> </ol> <p>Duties of Editors and the Editorial Board:</p> <ol> <li>The editors, together with the editorial board, are responsible for deciding upon the publication or rejection of the submitted manuscripts based only on their originality, significance, and relevance to the domains of the journal;</li> <li>The editors evaluate the manuscripts compliance with academic criteria, the domains of the journal and the guidelines;</li> <li>The editors must at all times respect the confidentiality of any information pertaining to the submitted manuscripts;</li> <li>The editors assign the review of each manuscript to two reviewers chosen according to their domains of expertise. The editors must take into account any conflict of interest reported by the authors and the reviewers.</li> <li>The editors must ensure that the comments and recommendations of the reviewers are sent to the author(s) in due time and that the manuscripts are returned to the editors, who take the final decision to publish them or not.</li> </ol> <p>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post online a pre-publication manuscript (but not the publisher’s final formatted PDF version of the work) in institutional repositories or on their websites prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (see <a title="open access" href="http://opcit.eprints.org/oacitation-biblio.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Effect of Open Access</a>). Any such posting made before acceptance and publication of the work shall be updated upon publication to include a reference to the publisher-assigned DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and a link to the online abstract for the final published work in the journal.</p> <div>A Statement of Authenticity and Manuscript Copyright can be downloaded:&nbsp;</div> <div>After filling out the statement letter, please send via e-mail: flip@stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id</div> umar@stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id (Umar) hendilegowo86@gmail.com (Hendi Hidayat) Mon, 15 Jan 2024 15:22:21 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Non-EFL Students' Ability and Their Difficulties in Reading Comprehension Test https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/280 <p>This research describes the non-EFL students’ ability and their difficulties in reading comprehension tests. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The analysis from Google Form response shows that the student’s average is 20.15 from 50 points, the students’ median is 18 from 50 points (correct answer) and the students’ range is between 9 (lowest score) reading texts up to 40 (highest score). The students’ problems in the reading test are about a number of questions, limited time in doing the test, unfamiliar and uninteresting topics of reading text, number of texts, number of paragraphs in the text, varied types of text-related questions, unfamiliar vocabularies, difficulty in understanding the meaning of the question and the content of the text, and difficulty in answering types of reading comprehension such as the main idea, reference, stated detail, unstated detail, vocabulary, conclusion/inference, etc. Both English teachers/lecturers and students must collaborate to answer these problems. English teachers/lecturers can evaluate the students’ reading levels effectively, explain the reading method clearly, and implement an exciting strategy in teaching reading to stimulate the students to read texts. While students need to read regularly, choosing reading according to interest, reading various topics, and combining different methods in reading English.</p> Tira Nur Fitria Copyright (c) 2023 FLIP: Foreign Language Instruction Probe https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/280 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Adjacency Pairs in EFL Virtual Classes: A Conversation Analysis https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/285 <h1>There are many variations in the conversation between students and lecturers. The conversation between those two parties in classroom tend to be in one way or teacher-centered. This study employs conversation analysis of adjacency pairs. There have been many studies that analysis the use of adjacency pairs in a conversation, but there are no ones that focus on virtual platform. This study aims to find out adjacency pairs in conversations between a lecturer and students in the EFL virtual class. In conducting the study, researchers employed qualitative research method. The data used in this study were words in the form of recordings from virtual meetings at the EFL speaking virtual class at IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon. The recording was <strong>transcribed and the data were analyzed using textual analysis. The finding</strong> of this research shows 12 adjacency pairs that emerge from the conversation. Finally, this study can be a practical guidliness for teachers, lecturers, and students who are interested in type of adjacency pairs and communicative functions in EFL class. Moreover, this study provides new references to translators and researchers because it analyzes conversations in virtual space.</h1> Syams Fajar, Farouk Imam Arrasyid, Haira Rizka Copyright (c) 2023 FLIP: Foreign Language Instruction Probe https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/285 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 An Investigation of the Advantages and Challenges of Case-based Method in EFL Classroom https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/286 <p>This research aims to investigate the implementation of the case-based method and its advantages and challenges in the EFL classroom. This research used case study design under qualitative research. The participants in this research were an English teacher and four students who were in the twelfth grade in senior high school. The instruments in this research were interview. Interview was used to investigate the implementation of the case-based method in the EFL classroom and to examine the advantages and challenges of the case-based method. The findings showed that teacher implemented case-based method in EFL classroom on discussion text learning by conducting a debate between two teams to conclude a case. The results of interview revealed that learning with case-based methods had several advantages, namely students' confidence, speaking skill, creativity, collaboration and critical thinking. In addition, the method also had challenges that teachers and students go through. The teacher and students have the same perspective on the advantages and challenges in used case-based method. Therefore, the case-based method was indeed the right teaching method to be implemented in the classroom because there were several advantages that can improve students' abilities, despite the challenges that exist.</p> Sherly Agustiana Copyright (c) 2023 FLIP: Foreign Language Instruction Probe https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/286 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Learning English Listening Using Learning English Listening Using Media Busuu Application https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/290 <p>This research discusses the use of Busuu app as a learning platform for English listening skills in junior high schools in Cirebon. The research focuses on the importance of media use in language teaching and the role of media in creating a conducive learning environment. It also explores the theoretical basis of language skills, learning media and the use of Busuu app to teach English listening skills. This &nbsp;researchers used qualitative methods, precisely descriptive qualitative. The purpose of this study to obtain students' views on the use of the Busuu application as a learning platform, to determine student achievement in learning through the Busuu application as a listening learning media and to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the Busuu application. The data source of this research is the documentation of the learning process. The text is taken from the results of interviews with students and teachers of class VIII. The instrument of this research is the researcher himself. In addition, other instruments used by researchers are documentation, interview transcripts, audio recordings, and documents. The results showed that, (1) The use of media in learning is one of the efforts to provide quality in supporting the learning process and can encourage students to take part in learning activities in a fun way. (2) The Busuu application is an application specifically designed to support web-based English language learning and is also available as a mobile application and is one of the main alternatives that is very easy to access. (3) The Busuu application has advantages and disadvantages of the Busuu Application. So, it can be concluded that the Busuu application directly has a positive influence on SMP N 1Lemahabang students.</p> Lina Nafasatul Ilmi Nafa, Tedi Rohadi; Nana Priajana Copyright (c) 2023 FLIP: Foreign Language Instruction Probe https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/290 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring How English Teachers Accommodate Students’ Learning Style in the 21st Century: A Survey https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/305 <h1>The aim of this descriptive qualitative research is to explore how English teachers accommodate students’ learning styles in 21st century, to find out students’ learning style and how English teachers’ accommodate it based on students’ perspective. The procedure applied in this qualitative research are data collection, data presentation, conclusion drawing and verification. The data collection techniques used were questionnaire, interview and observation. There are still few researchers who examine on how English teachers accommodate students’ learning style based on students’ perspective. As final note, teachers need to recognize their students’ different learning styles and prepare the appropriate methods to deliver the subject matters. In addition, learning style is the way a person takes in, understands, expresses and remembers information. As a result, teaching and learning process will be very interactive and effective by recognizing students’ different learning style and the way to accommodate it appropriately.</h1> Novi Yanti, Farouk Imam Arrasyid, Siti Luruh Ayu Noerjanah Copyright (c) 2023 FLIP: Foreign Language Instruction Probe https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/305 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Investigating the Learners Profile of EFL Intermediate Speakers in 21st Century : A Case of Senior High School Students https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/306 <p>This descriptive research aimed to analyze and describe the learners profile of Senior High School students at A Private Senior High School Cirebon in the academic 2022/2023. The subject of this study is the tenth grade students of Senior High School Cirebon. There were 4 students and 1 English teacher who were choosen as the subject of the study. Interview and literature review technique was applied in determining the subject. In order to collect the data for this study, the interviewed by face to face directly to find out how many characteristics Learners Profile their have in 21<sup>st</sup> century and find out the factors students have to make them successful as English students in 21<sup>st </sup>century. The research finding show that students get six characteristics of Learners Profile such as students have critical thinking, collaboration, a good communication, have creativity skill, have innovation think and their have own self-direction. To be a successfull English students must have grow a sense of&nbsp; motivation within yourself, have supportive learning community surround them and students uses media technology in learning English.</p> Jihan Fauziyah, Ilman Nafi'a, Nana Priajana Copyright (c) 2023 FLIP: Foreign Language Instruction Probe https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/306 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring the Use of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (Mall) for EFL Learning at A Junior High School in Cirebon https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/307 <p>Mobile phone is very important for EFL teaching and learning. In education, there are several ways in which mobile phones can increase foreign language education. Then, this is the digital era students are very familiar with using mobile phones, gadgets, and other mobile applications that are English this requires teachers to master various skills. Teachers must be creative in the teaching and learning process, for example, using technology such as mobile phones. This study aims to explore how the teachers apply MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) and what difficulties teachers face in implementing MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) for EFL Learning at a Junior High School in Cirebon. This research was conducted by using a case study method in Junior High School. The subjects of this study were English teachers who had used MALL (Mobile mobile-assisted language Learning) in their learning; The results of this study show that the use of Mobile Assisted Language Learning is related to using MALL devices Laptops, and Mobile Phones as teaching media, and applications used by teachers, WhatsApp, Telegram, YouTube, Google Classroom, Zoom, Jamboard, Padlet, Live Worksheet, and Quizizz in EFL learning. The difficulties that teachers face are Classroom Management, Connectivity and Internet, Distraction, and Time management.</p> shofwaturrahmah shofwaturrahmah, Tedi Rohadi, Zakky Yavani Copyright (c) 2023 FLIP: Foreign Language Instruction Probe https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/307 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 An Analysis of Textbook “Preparation for Academic English” in Relation to 21st Century Skills https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/302 <p>This research conducted to gather whether these textbook contained 21st century or not in communication, collaborative, critical thinking, flexibility and adaptability, leadership and responsibility, creativity and innovation are the skills that should be included in English tasks in 21st century skills. Then the researches will be spell out the textbook by using analysis. The purpose of this research is to detect what the preparation of academic English textbook coincide with the 21st century skills. Qualitative method was used in this research to reveal the analysis of the researcher. The sample of this research is analysis the content related to suitability of the textbook in 21stcentury.There are still few researchers who examine how 21st century skills is implemented in collage English textbook. As a final note, the researcher advises doing study on how published materials are utilized in courses, schools, and universities throughout the nation because she believes it is crucial to do so in order to achieve the intended learning objectives. Also make them more accurate to be learned for each student and teacher or lecturer. The researcher hopes the further research is more detail and conical to the similar problem to be analyses.</p> Nudiya Khasanah, Nur Antoni, Hendi Hidayat Copyright (c) 2023 FLIP: Foreign Language Instruction Probe https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/302 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Adapting Assessment for Diverse ELT Learners https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/322 <p>This article comprehensively addresses the significance and complexities of adapting assessment for diverse ELT learners. The research design employs a literature review approach, systematically analyzing academic articles, reports, and case studies.The study identifies key concepts and patterns related to adapting assessment for diverse ELT learners. Diverse learners in ELT encompass individuals with varying identities, motivations, and language proficiency levels. Strategies to adapt assessment include incorporating culturally diverse materials, providing multiple assessment formats, considering individual language proficiency levels, and accommodating learners with disabilities. Clear assessment instructions and rubrics are also crucial for effective evaluation. Implementing adapted assessment faces challenges such as diverse academic abilities, linguistic backgrounds, and the need for collaboration with families and communities. Strategies to overcome these challenges include building trust, employing communication strategies, integrating digital storytelling, adapting assessments to online environments, and framing language learning as critical engagement. recognizing and accommodating diverse learners in ELT assessment is vital for creating equitable and inclusive educational experiences. This article provides educators with valuable insights and strategies to meet the diverse needs of their students</p> Sutrisno Sadji Evenddy Copyright (c) 2023 FLIP: Foreign Language Instruction Probe https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/322 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Correlation Between Emotional Intelligence and Speaking Skill of EFL Students https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/368 <p>This study aimed to find the correlation between Students’ Emotional Intelligence and students’ speaking skill at the eighth grades of SMP Islam Nurul Haq Batam. In this study, the population was 50 students, and the samples were 30 students. The researcher employed simple random sampling for technique sampling. In collecting the data, the researcher used questionnaires to assess students’ emotional intelligence adapted from HRB (Health Research Board) by NHS London Leadership Academy (2014), which consisted of 29 items of questions, and the speaking test was to measure students’ speaking skill. The researcher used the Shapiro-Wilk formula to test the normality of the data and Hartley's test to verify the homogeneity of the data before assessing the hypothesis. To determine the relationship between the two variables researched, the researcher used the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation formula. The result of this research showed that r<sub>count</sub> was higher than r<sub>table</sub> (0.468&gt; 0.361), with a significance level of 0.05; n = 30. It signified that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, whilst the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. In decision, there was a considerable relationship between emotional intelligence and students’ speaking skill. Teachers should emphasize emotional intelligence in students' learning to enhance speaking skills.</p> Annifa Miftha Imama, Eka Wilany Copyright (c) 2023 FLIP: Foreign Language Instruction Probe https://jurnal.stit-buntetpesantren.ac.id/index.php/flip/article/view/368 Wed, 29 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000